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ASA Arbitration Retreat

📅 24 October 2025 -26 October 2025

🕘 All Day

Frankfurt, Germany

ASA Arbitration Retreat

The ASA Arbitration Retreat is a signature training event that since 1997 has been bringing together experienced arbitrators and practitioners to discuss key legal and practical issues relating to the practice of international arbitration. It follows a unique interactive format that furthers an open exchange of ideas and experiences moderated by leading individuals from common and civil law jurisdictions acting as discussion leaders. The event is generally organised together with an arbitral institution from a different jurisdiction, with recent partners including the German Arbitration Association (DIS), the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Vienna International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) and the Istanbul Arbitration Centre (ISTAC).

Organized By:

DIS (German Arbitration Institute) & ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association)

For more information please click here