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Nordic Commercial Arbitration Forum

📅 11 March 2025 –

🕘 All Day

Stockholm, Sweden

We are excited to invite you to the inaugural Nordic Commercial Arbitration Forum, a new platform designed to promote commercial arbitration in the Nordic countries.  

This forum aims to be a meeting place for both seasoned and young lawyers, including practicing lawyers, in-house legal counsels, judges, academics, arbitration practitioners, and others involved in the practice and development of commercial dispute resolution. 

The program will include: 

  • Keynote Address: Professor and Advokat Kaj HobĂ©r 

Panel Discussions: 

  • The commercial perspective of dispute resolution in the Nordic region 
  • Presentation of the various Nordic arbitration institutes and their activities 
  • Professional experiences of arbitrators and counsel in the Nordic region 
  • The particular Nordic elements of international arbitration 
  • Choice of law, choice of seat, and other issues in the negotiation of arbitration agreements in the region 

Date: 11 March 2025, 10.00 am – 5.30 pm
Venue: SCC Arbitration Institute, Regeringsgatan 29, Stockholm

Speakers: Peter Appel, Crina Baltag, Stefan Brocker, Giuditta Cordero-Moss, Caroline Falconer, Anders Forss, María Guðjónsdóttir, Christian Hauge, James Hope, Kaj Hobér, Olav Hustad, Therese Isaksson, Jan Jensen, Sara Johnsson, Karsten Kristoffersen, Gisela Knuts, Mikko Manner, Kristin Normann, Ola Ø Nisja, Natalia Petrik, Steffen Pihlblad, Mika Savola, Mathias SteinÞ, Thomas Svensen, Helena Wanhainen 

Moderator: Former Justice Johnny Herre 

Organised by: The Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law and The Oslo Centre for Commercial Law with support from SCC Arbitration Institute, Finland Arbitration Institute, Danish Institute of Arbitration, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Nordic Offshore & Maritime Arbitration Association, The Nordic Arbitration Centre at the Iceland Chamber of Commerce in Iceland, The Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Institute of the Oslo Chamber of Commerce.


The event is fully booked.

Organized By:

All arbitration institutes in the Nordics, incl. IFCAI-members SCC Arbitration Institute, Finland Arbitration Institute

For more information please click here